Infonovum developed a Data Segregation framework to enhance the data privacy and security of the application.
One of our clients had an application whose database hosted data from different customers in a commingled fashion. Though this architecture was efficient for infrastructure usage, it carried a risk of exposing data from one customer to another due to programming or operational mistakes.
Infonovum developed a Data Segregation framework to enhance the data privacy and security of this application. This framework operates at the database level to ensure that the data belonging to one client is not accidentally leaked to another.
It implements a second line of defense at the database level which ensures that data does not cross client boundaries. Even if application level developers hard code client data in their programs, our segregation mechanism will make sure that data is not exposed to unauthorized parties.
Using low cost methods and simple design, we have in effect implemented virtual private database. We have done this at a fraction of the cost of any of the competing products available in the market.